Many ladys come up to me and ask me how I do my facial. So I take this chance to inform the world on some of the easy ways I do my facial where i prefer to use ST. Ives products.

Things you will need
ü   Scrub

ü    Cleanser

ü  Warm water and a wash cloth

ü  Clay- based or cream facial mask

ü  Moisturizer

NB : Chose them based on your skin type

a lady with facial mask on.

  1.  Using your fingers, rub a gentle exfoliating scrub on your face. Concentrate on the areas around your nose and forehead or if you have bad skin, work harder on the areas that tend to be ‘greasy.’ Rinse your face well since exfoliating scrubs tend to be drying. Clinique makes a simple, but excellent face scrub.
  2. Steam-Fill your sink with warm water, dip a washcloth in and press to your face. do this 2-3 times.
  3.   Oily skin, use a clay-based face mask. For dry skin, go for a hydrating gel or cream mask.
  4.  Apply the mask, Keep it on for 10-20 minutes (or, according to the directions on the product). Rinse completely.
  5. Then last just add some moisturiser to your face to make sure it does not get dry .

a lady with clay mask on 

All this should bring out your pours , wich makes spots from forming , and makes the ones you have    go away , also if you do it for a cuple of weeks your blemishes will be gone !!!

I hope I have helped a beautiful lady somewhere in the world…


Anonymous said…
now i know where i go wrong....thank yu for the tips
Anonymous said…
I luv this

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